
Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Mungkin gak selesai skripsi di Cipayung

Lagi badminton di badan diklat cilacap, gue abis tanding sama catur trus leyeh leyeh kehabisan stamina, fajar lagi maen.

Gue: smash jar!! bagosss prall! hahaha... (gue manggil fajar kopral gara-gara potongan rambutnya mirip veteran korban perang irian)

Catur: wahaha.. tambah pinter kowe jar. Lagi jar! Ayo Drop out!

Gue: drop shotttt!!!!!

Catur: Oiya drop shot.

Sekarang jamannya modem + HP, maksudnya

Suatu malam di minimart Alfamarah (*sensor,, gw dibayar juga kagak..)

Gue: (masuk minimart sambil ngupil trus jalan ke kasir). Beli pulsa, mbak!

Mbak kasir: pulsa apa mas?

Gue: smartpren mbak, yang 10ribu, ada gak di sini?

Mbak kasir: (tanya sama temennya). Smartfren itu smart kan? Ada bedanya gak?

Temennya mbak kasir: Sama

Mbak kasir: bentar ya mas (sambil ketik-ketik di komputer)

Gue nunggu sambil cari tempat buat buang upil

Mbak kasir: Sekalian mas modemnya smart.

Gue: Ini juga buat isi modem, mbak.

Mbak kasir: Ohh...

Mbak kasir: (beberapa menit kemudian) sudah mas, HP-nya dibawa nggak?

Gue: ................

Trust me, I'm a Dreamer!

Mimpi adalah awal untuk kesuksesan.

Kalimat itu membuatku berharap untuk selalu bermimpi. Tujuh tahun yang lalu mungkin aku sedang bermimpi menjadi perencana double track rail yang ada di Indonesia. Kesukaan saya pada dunia perkereta-apian mempengaruhi hal itu. Tapi bukan mimpi sepele itu yang menjadi penting. Apakah seorang pemimpi mempunyai tempat di dunia ini? Kalau mau jujur, semua peralatan canggih yang Anda nikmati sekarang ini semua berawal dari sang pemimpi. Hebat atau tidaknya realisasi yang ada tergantung seberapa tinggi mimpi yang mengawalinya. Tanpa mimpi, mungkin sekarang bumi masih mengelilingi matahari. Tanpa mimpi mungkin sekarang dunia masih datar. Tapi masih adakah tempat bagi pemimpi?

Saya punya mimpi: suatu hari ada lowongan pekerjaan untuk pemimpi. Job description-nya ya tentu saja bermimpi. Otak dan mata terkadang unik. Mata adalah panca indra yang kesannya paling bisa membekas di otak. Terkadang kita kesulitan untuk mengingat manisnya kue yang dibeli di toko kemarin, tetapi kita tak akan mudah melupakan keindahan pemandangan di Pantai Pangandaran. Susahnya, mata adalah musuh dari semua pemimpi. Mimpi yang hebat adalah memimpikan sesuatu yang belum pernah dilihat atau malah dibayangkan oleh orang lain. Menciptakan suara yang belum pernah didengar, menciptakan rasa yang belum pernah terpikirkan oleh lidah siapapun. Kita jadi mudah melecehkan para pemimpi. Menghujat bahwa orang-orang tersebut hanya bisa berawang-awang tapi tidak bisa mewujudkan. Mereka lupa bahwa manusia pun berbeda-beda. Menurut saya, tingkatan kemampuan manusia dibedakan dari di bagian manakah sumber inspirasi mereka. Tukang menggunakan tangan dan kakinya. Penulis menggunakan jarinya. Olahragawan menggunakan tubuhnya. Pekerja menggunakan energi lebih banyak daripada atasannya. Para Bos menggunakan mulutnya karena sering rapat. Pemimpin perusahaan harus sering menggunakan matanya untuk bisa mengamati situasi dan cepat memberikan reaksi atas hal-hal yang terjadi. Pemimpi? menggunakan bagian terdalam dari otaknya untuk menciptakan sesuatu.

Saya bermimpi suatu saat ada lowongan:
Dibutuhkan 1. PEMIMPI (PMP1)
1. Sarjana atau Magister
2. Suka bereksperimen
3. Suka bekerja dalam waktu yang lama
4. Kreatif dan Inovatif.

Destroyed Minds

Seeing people outside let me think about psychology. Every people has their own characteristics and attitudes. Sometimes are similiar, but no one is the same. Being grown up in a small town like Cilacap, I found that people in my town may be 2 or 3 years slower than people living in, let say, Yogyakarta. Here in Cilacap, may be about half of its teenagers never seen Cinema 21 (or XXI). While Kindergarten boy in Jakarta might be in a ticket queue to see Laskar Pelangi, it took a long time before kids in here were able to see it by local tv station.

I imagined two different children living in two very different circumtances. One is in very modern city where it's very easy to get anything. A lot of mall, many supermarkets, high quality school, and other modern stuffs. I could see green garden beside a football field. High class people were playing football on artificial field, while their wives and children ran around the garden. I'll let you imagine it. If I asked you what that children will be in future, may be you'll answered they'll be very good people. Very rich and wealthy. They could marry best women and men.

In other way, imagine children who were living in conflict area. It's not easy for them, even just to eat. Sometimes they were not able to school. School? What for? They could die in minutes. They'd have no hope. What I want to say is: they'd have no future, no family, no nation, no pride. Pride! Seems we talked about it everyday. We brought it to everywhere we go. Pride! The number one . All of all. Somebody said: what's the meaning of a name? But here, pride is every meaning. No matter your name is Paino or Paijo, pride is what you're looking for.

Our minds is destroyed by pride, and sadly we're doing that to our children.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

I'm totally dismissed

Looking at the table now, Indonesia is leading on medals. Yes, I'm talking about the SEA Games 2011. I think all of Indonesian which don't follow the news about SEA Games are totally insane. This is a culture of Indonesia. I saw final match of women's badminton last night, the atmosphere in Senayan was totally crowded. Unfortunately, we lost the final. Gold medal was still out of reach at the moment. To be fair, we're not good enough to be in the final. Only because we're at home we could do it. I didn't saw the first single, but I knew how the first doubles outpowered Thailand in match two. At that point I thought it would be easy for the next players to win. I'm wrong. Thailand are mentally very, very strong. Who did even think that Firdasari would lost? In semifinal she played very well. She's good tactically, and she's smart too. Only her opponent played really well. Thailand are very well organized. They were young, yes. But they totally could do what they have to do. I didn't think anyone except our first doubles deserved win. What I didn't understand is why could Thailand played like they're in home. It's about mentality and bravery. I didn't think our players could do the same thing when they're away. They may be would not through to the final if SEA Games played in Malaysia or anywhere away from home. The most experience doubles, Lilyana and Vita Marissa actually played well, but only to give gold medal to the Thailand. That once more shows us about regeneration. Even they played against much younger players, they could not take advantages. Against younger, played at home, and lost. It's not totally embarrasing but also gave us another point of view. It's not only about past, but about continuity. Nobody denied that Indonesia were very dangerous in the past. Yet we have many famous players. So why we could not get the continuity? That will be the biggest question for a long years. I think one of the door to get the answer is by answering this mark: Can we just play sports and can we not add politics inside of it? It's your call.

Ada Yang Hilang

Ada suatu yang hilang
Jika mau kita lihat
Ombak laju terhalang
Dingin menyayat..

Gadis kecil berjalan
tak 'kan pernah tertawa
Nasibnya tak b'ri ampunan
tak 'kan pernah sempurna..

Di manakah mereka
yang tadi bersamanya
Hanya hati yang peka
yang mampu membacanya....

Oohh.. tak ada ampun
Tak ada canda
Tak ada cerita..
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